Biometric Ignition – TouchE

Your Car knows you by your finger print. Forget car keys, now start your Vehicle with just your finger print.

With a simple touch, start your vehicles quickly and safely. Whether you drive a compact car or a luxury SUV, enjoy the convenience and security of fingerprint scanning technology. Easily register your fingerprints and start Vehicle without any hassle. The peace of mind that comes knowing your vehicle is protected by state-of-the-art security technology.


Convenience: Offer the ultimate convenience with a fingerprint scanner that eliminates the need for keys or remotes. Customers can start their vehicles effortlessly with just a touch.

Enhanced Security: The advanced security features of fingerprint scanning technology, ensures that only authorized individuals can start the vehicle. This provides peace of mind against theft and unauthorized access.

Personalization: The personalization aspect of the product. Each customer’s fingerprint becomes their unique key, adding a sense of exclusivity and ownership to your vehicle.

Ease of Use: With the simplicity of the system. Customers won’t have to fumble with keys or remember complicated passcodes. Starting the vehicle becomes as easy as pressing a button with their fingerprint.

Modernization: The cutting-edge solution for modern vehicles. Fingerprint technology represents the latest in automotive security and convenience, appealing to tech-savvy consumers.

Long-Term Savings: Potential long-term savings associated with the product, such as reduced insurance premiums due to enhanced vehicle security or decreased risk of vehicle theft.